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Stallholders and donors wanted for Putty Spring Fair

It’s not long until the Putty Spring Fair, and the organisers, the Putty Community Association Inc (PCA), are looking for stall holders, donations and sponsorship. This annual event at the Putty Hall is the most looked forward to event on the Putty calendar.

All proceeds contribute to the running of the event, providing family entertainment, a giant raffle, children’s games and prizes, for a family fun day, and any profit goes into the upkeep of the Putty Hall, the only public space available for the community to gather.

Stall holders are invited to sell food, handmade items, bric-a-brac, homewares plants etc. A stall costs $20 but stall holders can choose to instead donate one of their products at the equivalent price to the raffle. Please click here to download and fill in this form.

Businesses can either donate goods suitable for our raffle or sponsor an event of their choosing in return for business advertising on the day of the Fair and future advertising on our popular Facebook page – Putty Valley Chronicles and in our new Putty Community Directory which is under construction.

This year, a $30 donation or sponsorship will be rewarded with a bold listing on the Putty Community Directory for a year at the top of your category. Advertising opportunities for higher donations and sponsorship are listed on our Sponsorship Form. Please fill out the form and return as soon as possible for inclusion on flyers.

Alternatively you may wish to promote your product on a display or a stall at the Fair or enquire about doing a presentation on your business or industry in the hall.

Kimberley Stokes
Putty Community Association Inc,
61 Putty Valley RD, PUTTY 2330
Ph- 0488 692 459