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Welcome to Putty Hall

Sunset at Putty 18 May 2024

The Putty Community Association (PCA) put on a free three course meal for new and old members of the Putty, Kindarun and Yengo communities on Saturday evening at Putty Hall. Martha took this wonderful shot of the sunset before coming to the hall.

Ken Mackett was there to advise all about preparing their properties for the next fire season, and Margaret Ferguson provided lots of hand outs from the Rural Fire Service.

It was a delightful evening in front of the fire. Thanks to Margaret Ferguson for her wonderful minestrone soup, Tim Spooner for his famously filling pea and ham soup, Kinberley Stokes for her delicious chicken curry, David Hope for his comforting spag bol and Dora for her rice pudding and carrot cake.

Yes, we all waddled out of the hall, very content.

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