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PCA AGM Minutes Summary 2024

The Putty Community Association Annual General Meeting was held on 23 March 2024 at Putty Hall. A quorum of members were present and the meeting was declared open at 3.10pm

President’s Report
The President noted the closure of the Saturday market day and the success of events to celebrate Bastille Day, ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day and Christmas. The success of the Spring Fair and the ongoing Monastery Sundays was also noted. The upgrade and repairs to the hall funded by the R4R grant were noted and to be covered by Tim Spooner later in the meeting. The President announced she would be stepping down from the Committee and how much she had enjoyed her 9 years in the roll. Ken Ferguson thanked Jane for her work on the committee and there was a unanimous round of applause in thanks.

Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s report noted a loss of $5,715.97 for the year and stressed the expense of maintenance, insurance and provision of electricity for the hall. Suggested continuing approaches to all levels of government to share costs in view of the designation of the hall as an evacuation centre in times of disaster. Brief discussion about effectiveness of solar system as electricity cost saving and liquor licence cost.

Election of Office Bearers
As there was only one nomination for President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Trust Officer those nominated were declared elected. There were no nominations for Assistant Secretary or Publicity Officer, so those positions remain
The elected Office holders are:
President – Tim Spooner
Vice President – Andy Edwards
Secretary and Public Officer – Kimmy Stokes
Treasurer – David Hope
Trust Officer – Ken Ferguson

Incoming President’s Address
Tim Spooner thanked Jane for leading the PCA through difficult times with the Corona Virus pandemic and associated restrictions. Initial challenges for the incoming committee include addressing financial pressures by exploring new fundraising options, reviewing existing expenditure, and expanding the PCA membership.

A suggestion to hold open committee meetings, possibly prior to Detour nights, was agreed by the meeting. The improvements enabled by the grant were noted.

Sealing of about 3 kms of Putty Valley Rd was noted as well as the restoration of creek crossings on the section between Gibbs Creek bridge and the old mill.

Suggested continuation of activities at the hall pending future discussion with the possible addition of a welcome to new resident’s night to introduce the RFS, hub house system and other local services.

General Business
Maintenance of other roads in the valley was discussed including the apparent reneging of promises by Singleton Council. Suggestion to obtain a GIPA search of council road funding grants and will follow this up.

Local road speed limits discussed as it is currently 100 km/h which is unsafe. This will be followed
up with Singleton Council.

Need for volunteers to organise the Spring Fair discussed. As there were no volunteers present it is
necessary to find locals who will take on this role.

Provision of a defibrillator at the hall discussed and to be pursued.

Meeting was declared closed at 3.55pm.

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